Hi 👋 I'm

Muhammad Sayyedul Awwab

Software Engineer

GitHub LinkedIn

Tools & Technologies I Can Use


  • C# C#
  • JavaScript JavaScript

Frameworks, Platforms & Libraries

  • ASP.NET Core ASP.NET Core
  • SQL Server SQL Server
  • PostgreSQL PostgreSQL
  • Redis Redis
  • Docker Docker


  • Git Git
  • GitHub GitHub
  • Visual Studio Visual Studio
  • Visual Studio Code Visual Studio Code

Recent Work

Ecommerce API

Ecommerce API


Ecommerce API for managing products, categories, user authentication, reviews, and orders seamlessly within an ecommerce platform.

  • ASP.NET Core Web API
  • Clean Architecture
  • Domain Driven Design (DDD)
  • CQRS with Mediator Pattern
  • Repository Pattern
  • Redis
  • Docker
Job Posting System of Bdjobs.com

Job Posting System of Bdjobs.com


Contributed to the migration of The Job Posting system of Bdjobs.com Employer panel from legacy system to ASP.NET Core and Angular. built the API using ASP.NET Core following layered architecture in a team setting.

  • ASP.NET Core Web API
  • Layered Architecture
  • Repository Pattern


Let's work together,